The original team - years later - Valerie, Libby, Renee, Tana, Debbie Chrys Fisher Libby The team at Hawaii store opening At Vaudreuil - Hermes Parfums Honolulu Honolulu Cheri Office party Judy Bedford Hotel Judy, Laura - Bedford Hotel Cannes George, RP Team with JL Dumas Orna, SP, Valerie JL Dumas - Paris JL Dumas - Paris RP, SP With Stanley Marcus in Dallas At Honolulu store opening Valerie - bday party Western theme - Palmers, Lubars. Fishers Anette Valerie Office bday party - Laura, Ken France field trip to somewhere ... Debbie, Tana Team horseback riding in Galveston Houston - NASA Towel factory visit Habit of tying scarf on my head begins bus turban jokes Laura, Anette Laura's office Mary Clare Making fun of RP turban Silly at Paris supermarket Laura - turban joke continued ... Valerie - ultra chic!
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